At Valley Primary we feel a strong link between home and school is critical to a child’s education and expect all of our parents to come in to regular parent meetings and forums.
We run workshops to show parents how they can support their child’s learning and the teachers are always happy to meet with parents before/after school to discuss any concerns.
At Valley we are always happy to have parents spend time working with the children in class. We have a number of parents who work regularly in the academy as volunteers – either in class or running after school clubs.
If you are interested in getting involved in the life of the academy, please speak to the headteacher.
We are keen to ensure that the academy is at the heart of the community. We are also keen for our pupils to undertake community projects and always like to get involved in local activities that will help the children to develop their environmental awareness whilst also using their leadership, creative, artistic and writing skills.
Please do let us know if you have any projects in mind.
We have parent evenings three times each year where you will have the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss your child’s targets for the year and their progress.
Additional Meetings, Cafes & Workshops
We hold a number of parent workshops each year which parents are also expected to attend. The way children are taught maths and numeracy now is very different to the way most of us were taught, so we feel it is important for parents/carers to have a knowledge of these techniques so you can support your child at home.
We know it is difficult for working parents to take time off work but the feedback we get from parents who attend these workshops is exceptional and the difference it makes to the children’s progress cannot be underestimated.
At Valley we like to scaffold the children’s learning with first hand experiences. As a result, we usually have at least 2 trips every year. You will receive notification of these trips 2 weeks in advance and will be asked to return a permission slip and make a contribution towards the cost of the trip.
Additionally, the children are also taken out of school on short local trips to the library or nearby parks. Please ensure you have completed and returned the short-trip permission to the school office so your child can join in.