Miss Eileen Maceachern
SENCo & Attendance Champion
Miss Eileen Maceachern the SENCo and Attendance Champion at Valley Primary Academy
At Valley Primary Academy, we know that good attendance is essential for academic attainment, social and emotional wellbeing and good outcomes for children. It also prepares our children for their future working lives.
We expect all children to have at least 96% attendance unless there are exceptional circumstances. We reward good attendance through individual and class certificates and prizes.
We believe that teaching staff, support staff, governors and parents are responsible for and can influence the attendance of pupils; attendance is everyone’s responsibility. We monitor attendance carefully.
Where we have concerns about a child’s attendance we will work with families to provide support and encouragement to ensure their attendance and/or punctuality improves.
Please read our ‘Attendance Policy and Procedures’ below and speak with us if you have any concerns about your child’s attendance to see how the school can support you and your child. You can also visit the ‘Just One Norfolk’ website for further information.
Family holidays in school term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Forms to request a pupil absence are available from the school office.
If you know your child is going to be absent from school for a clinic visit or dental/medical appointment, please inform the school office and bring a copy of the appointment card. Wherever possible, appointments should be made outside school hours unless it is an emergency.
If your child is going to be off sick, please call the school office (01603 742969 – option 1) before 9.00am on the first day of absence. Please ensure that you provide the reason for the absence and when you expect the child to return.
When reporting an absence, please avoid using general terms like "unwell" or "feeling sick." Instead, provide specific details about the symptoms. This information helps us accurately record attendance and ensures proper documentation.